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Re: bairdi for the MAC

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Posted by Shaky on May 13, 2003 at 07:28:21:

That is one odd snake you have there, and although the scales have a definite greyish sheen to them, it still doesn't seem like a true bairdi to me.
For one thing, every bairdi I've seen has grey scales on top of its head and pale, almost white lips and throat scales. This alone is not an indicator that your snake is not pure bairdi, but it could be a good start.
Second, the shape of the head is slighly odd for a ratsnake. Its not as long and lean as most ratsnake heads. It looks more like a watersnake to be honest, but chances are good that it is in the Pantherophis complex. My first thought was something along the lines of a yellow rat X bairdi, but never having seen one, I can't make that assessmant.
Last, the eyes are much brighter than bairdi's I've seen, which are darker brown.
With all that said, if it is pure bairdi, then its a phase that I haven't seen before. It is still very much a puzzle, and I hope it does turn out to be something that you can figure out.
Good luck!

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