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Re: Thanks for the info...

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Posted by Simon R. Sansom on April 21, 2003 at 02:46:41:

In Reply to: Re: Thanks for the info... posted by Kestrel on April 21, 2003 at 01:46:02:

:LOL, well they're called alot of things.. malaysian cave racers, cave ratsnakes. all sorts of things.. Blues can mellow down i suppose, but I don't think i've ever met any near as tame as the average Taiwan.. I dunno.. I like my ridleyi, and he's semi handlable.. Just don't relax around him, and he's definatly not a just carry around and pet sort of snake.. Anyhow, good luck on your search..

::But as far as temperment goes, ridleyi(Cave) beauties and blues have to be the worst. Both of them seem to be very shy and defensive.

::LOL, but of course...the two I find the most appealing WOULD be the ones that are the most shy and defensive. Doesn't that just figure. ;) Hadn't made the connection with the cave dwelling rats being beauties, although now that you mention's one of those 'duh' moments for me. LOL. Like when you finally get the joke that the entire world got a week ago?

::Do the blues or ridleyi ever calm down enough to be handleable, or are they of the look but don't touch variety?

::Now that I have some names to go on, I can scout around a bit and research which one(s) I want to get into. Thanks for your replies!



I have a pair of adult ridleyi and they are both super tame, mellow and easy to handle. In fact, my four-year-old grand-daughter is able to handle them, with a bit of help and very close supervision, of course.
It all depends on the individual personality of the animal in question.

Take care!


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