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Re: I agree with KJ that it will probably take breeding it and..

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Posted by gofer on March 28, 2003 at 13:42:59:

In Reply to: Re: I agree with KJ that it will probably take breeding it and.. posted by jediknight on March 27, 2003 at 14:46:00:

I would really like to see some of those Mexican bairdi pics, please e-mail them to me when you get a chance. And yes, the albino bairdi is pure as far as we can all tell. There was a long post and discussino on them a few weeks ago, if you do a search for albino bairdi you should find it. It describes how they originated in Germany. There are also a few breeders working with them, i believe BHB has been breeding them for a while now. My e-mail is
Have a good one,
Gregg F.

:Who said that the animal that you posted is not a Mexican bairdi? Looks just like the wild caught bairdi I have seen from Nuevo Leon, Mexico. And who is producing the albino bairdi? Are they for sure "pure" bairdi? I have heard rumours throughout the hobby that these are actually just bairdi/obsoleta crosses. Regardless, the animal that you posted is NOT an animal that was collected anywhere here in Texas... the ones from the east (Langtry, Juno, Loma) are typically light gray and the ones from the west (Davis Mtns., River Road) are typically dark brown. Again, looks to be a Mexican animal (I can email you photos of WC and CB animals from Nuevo Leon...)
:Happy herpin'...

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