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Re: Very interesting....

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Posted by jfirneno on March 03, 2003 at 12:07:40:

In Reply to: Very interesting.... posted by Terry Cox on March 03, 2003 at 04:56:02:

:Sure would like to see the whole article.

< I think someone of the regulars is trying to get an electronic copy. I was looking at paper.>

:I saw some of this coming and welcome some of it, while reserving judgement of other parts. As the process continues, of the breaking up of the Elaphe, there's bound to be more changes as the framework is fine tuned.

:For example...I like conspicillata being placed with mandarina. It had been put with porphyracea before. I figured the true "Elaphe" would be the Eurasians that were left after the reassignment of all the other species. Elaphe will be schrencki, anomala, quatuorlineata, and all the miniature Eurasians. But I thought situla and hohenackeri always were related to the other miniature Eurasians, like dione and bimaculata. My situla are an awful lot like my dione.

< I think it's intersting that any of the North American species (and especially Senticolis) is more closely related to the Eurasian Elaphe (quatorlineata or dione let's say) than situla or longissima. It seems you have more right to call a pituophis a "rat snake" than a longissima. That seems surprising.>

:One more change I see in the future that hasn't happened, yet, but should, is the formation of another genus in East Asia containing..carinata, quadrivirgata, and davidi. These are obviously different ratsnakes (if ratsnakes) and seem to be related. Climacophora should be placed with the taeniura/moellendorffi group, possibly. Stay tuned.

:I think we'll see even more changes in the future and this should spur other researchers, taxonomists to put their two cents worth in too. Great stuff...thanks for posting. Hope you all don't mind my comments. Let's hear some more :)


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