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Re: Pls help with info...

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Posted by dan on April 13, 2001 at 18:08:06:

In Reply to: Pls help with info... posted by Vanan on April 13, 2001 at 17:14:46:

: Sorry for reposting but I never got any replies and time is running short. I just wanna make sure I have the best for them. Below is the post I'm referring to.

: Getting my WC racers soon from Glades (Finally!!!). Just asking for suggestions for good, minimal stress, housing for them. Was thinking of putting one of em in a 33gal, covered with a cloth partially, just to acclimatise em. The problem now is, where do I put the other 4 racers? lol. Would a 11gal Rubbermaid be ok, keeping in mind the positive effect of UV light on them and their level of activeness.
: Any other suggestions for someone plannin to breed these gorgeous species. Any info at all is appreciated. Hopefully, I can introduce CB racers (I'm not kiddin) into this part of the continent. Yay!

: Vanan
: P.S. And I am dead serious abt breedin them. And yea, I have done my research but would like to hear from some more experienced ppl. CHeers!

vanan--- if you keep them on aspen, they will tunnel thru it making them feel more secure. it is a good idea to cover them and leave them alone for a couple of days or so. provide water! they are liable to be real thirsty. i have several that live in a converted china closet. they seem to like it up high. they stay near the top and watch everything like a hawk. they also like it a bit warmer than alot of snakes and will thermoregulate once the light comes on. i wouldn't count on raising baby racers however. you have a better chance of hitting the lottery.

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