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Posted by WaxWormFan on November 25, 2002 at 23:26:55:

In Reply to: Here goes, I'm the one selling these guys posted by santoury on November 25, 2002 at 20:54:03:

2 cool pairs of leos, not normals
Posted by Santoury (Contact Me!) on November 21, 2002 at 16:40:58

1 Hypo, tremper het, white stripe down back
1 Hypo, tremper het, paired with above. One is missing a small part of one front foot, otherwise both are perfect.
These two are proven with each other.

1 Hypo carrot tail, tail is stubby
1 rainwater het albino, and het for carrot tail, paired with carrot tail. Soon to be breeders.

I don't care for geckos, so I have been keeping these on a minimal feeding schedule to prevent ovulation/overactivity, etc. So, they are slim, but not unhealthily so. They all eat very well.
Make me an offer, or trade.


:I got them in THIS condition, and needless to say, two others were already too far gone to save - these are the 4 that survived, and I am simply passing along the information given to me. I am not making myself out to be a breeder, or largely knowledgable about these guys. Actually, if I was, I would not be offering such "junk" for sale, see? I'm simply trying to pass them along to a better home, seeing that I PERSONALLY cannot give them the best right this moment.
:A friend brought this to my attention, so I felt I should say hello - Instead of trashing me, you might see this as an opportunity to help some leos that didn't have a great home before. Needless to say, I'm not starving them either.
:Feel free to email me, thank you.
:Jude Platteborze

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