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Posted by WaxWormFan on November 27, 2002 at 12:44:49:

In Reply to: Re: Here is YOUR AD which does contradicts this. posted by santoury on November 26, 2002 at 20:58:48:

:Hi again,
:SOON TO BE BREEDERS - does that make me a breeder? No, it means they are coming of breeding age.
:Keeping them on a minimal feeding schedule - does not mean starving them, it just means not gut loading them, but keeping them on a lower end diet.
:Again, I would like to say that these guys are not my thing, which is precisely why I don't want to keep them.
:Needless to say, if they were such awful animals, would I really be posting them? Would I even be selling them? I would just give them away, no?
:As several others mentioned, this is a great opportunity for a leo fan to do some cool breeding projects at an inexpensive startup price.
:In fact, I do guarantee my animals, which is, I'll admit, something I forgot to add in the ad.
:So, here goes, anyone want some nice leos, 2 of which are not 100% perfect, for a reasonable price?
:I don't normally check here, so email me.



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