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Ga Snake Laws - Need someones advice

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Posted by totallyreptiles on September 13, 2002 at 11:13:22:

Well, here in the state of ga, we are not allowed to have, possess or breed any native non venomous snakes which means i cannot breed cornsnakes :(
But i contacted the Department of Agriculture to ask about Florida Kingsnakes, b/c on the map it shows they appear also in Ga.

The man at DOA said that any species of snake is not allowed in Ga, not the subspecies, so then he said that any Lampropltis getulus species is illegal, which includes, cal kings, mex black kings, florida king etc. All getula subspecies. But in almost every single pet store i have been to, sells cal kings. He said it is b/c they were unaware of the laws. Then he says that most of the DOA people just turn their heads away with that sort of thing, but that is hard to believe that every getula subspecies is illegal.
Which also means, i would have to get rid of almost all of my kings I would have to get rid of- including my little striped cal king above. :(

Anyone have any comments on this? I have talked to the DOA many times and they never said any subspecies of getula was illegal, but this guy was their supervisor.

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