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Re: Eastern Hogs and Mice.....

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Posted by Andy on April 13, 2002 at 19:47:58:

In Reply to: Re: Eastern Hogs and Mice..... posted by Mack on April 13, 2002 at 19:29:15:

So basically what you are saying is that all water snakes need to be fed frogs and crayfish with some minnows tossed in? And that vine snakes need only lizards? Thats totally not true. Jsut because they eat something in the wild doesnt mean it can be fed in captivity. I can afford it yet I care about the environment which you it seems do not. The comparison i made was very general, but would fat deposits kill an animal within days? I think not. In the wild, hognose are also infected heavily with parasites. When their immunity drops, wham...the parasites can take effect! I jsut had a fecal test done on my large african bullfrog and hes loaded with parasites and he has been in captivity for all his life. he had a 4+ load of em in his gut. And so there ya go, its jsut as easy for it to be stressed being captive, and that coulda killed the snakes right there. So just lay off, and until you ahve proof that fatty liver disease is what's killing the snakes, back off. happy herping! Your friend~Andy

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