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Granted it's a bad habit, but I doubt that I'm completely to blame......

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Posted by kerry on February 18, 2002 at 02:19:31:

In Reply to: Re: Why?... Are you writtin' a book?...... (LOL)...... posted by Jackie Lapradd on February 17, 2002 at 23:57:17:

......but you're entitled to your opinion. I guess it all depends on where you are at mentally and/or emotionally in order to be able to look through or past it. This forum has arguably been going no where for a lot longer than I have been on the scene. Let me ask you, "J", why do YOU think that there aren't any real accredited scientists or herpetologists participating? But before you answer, don't forget to go back and include the two years prior to my arrival. I have been criticized repeatedly by my peers(that's right, there are more like me, MANY more... a scary thought isn't it?) for wasting so much time and contribution here, but here I am... expressing my particular brand of appreciation for this animal based on what it is and was meant to be, NOT on what it has become, trying to provide some kind of balance. Perhaps now too much so. Maybe it IS time to give this forum a much needed rest... Let's see if YOU can wake it up!!! (LOL)

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