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Re: I just ordered eight more from Barrs...couple of questions.

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Posted by ToddM on March 13, 2003 at 12:25:23:

In Reply to: I just ordered eight more from Barrs...couple of questions. posted by AnthonyCaponetto on March 13, 2003 at 11:47:05:

:1. Is that a vent cover laying on the cage floor?

Yes it is. I should have moved it before taking the picture, as you know it goes on the side and not on the floor of the cage:0 (Mental note to self: move stuff like that before taking photos:)

:2. What did you use to cover the walls? I like it and I've got 8 more on the way that I'd like to dress up a bit. =)

I went to and ordered Terrarium Background - Doublescene, 2-sided (Desert /Tropical), 19" High - Hagen for $1.50 a foot. It wasn't very expensive, maybe $6 or so. Certainly worth it I think, makes the cage look really nice. It was a bit too tall so I trimmed the bottom a bit (just enough to get the white off) and it fits real well. I siliconed it into place and then cut out the vent holes so airflow wouldn't be restricted. I can post a photo of that if you like? I have some vine that I also ordered that I want to hang above the top branches for security/hide spots. When I get that done I'll post photos of that too. I've included a link to the background that I have in my cage. Hopefully the link works.

::I have more work to do before this cage is finished but thought I would post a photo of it here to see what you all think? I really like these cages.
::Thanks for your time,


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