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Re: Pet Shops

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Posted by Taikimoto on February 25, 2003 at 13:31:01:

In Reply to: Pet Shops posted by Deke on February 23, 2003 at 18:55:36:

You sound like me when I was lead specialist at the petsmart near me. Anytime someone had a reptile or amphibian question the other associates would just point at me and say ask him. I could also tell you anything about almost every fish species we had, and we had over 200+ tanks, most with 2 or three species of fish in them. I was also the one who worked with most of the big birds when they first arrived. During the summer I would do whatever work I needed to do with a Rose Breasted Cockatoo riding around on the cart, it was great because ppl became interested once they see something out of its cage and being taken care of. But yeah, the managment didnt care about the animals, and they tried to teach us the "get customer in store, sell them something, get them out, rinse repeat as quickly as possible" I was one of the few ppl that would actually talk with someone, even if they never even bought something. some regulars would come in just to chit chat, that was prob. the best part of the job.

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