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A few pics of my wandering garter...

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Posted by James... on March 12, 2003 at 13:19:13:

Lots of people I know refer to these as 'trash snakes', but I seriously think they are gorgeous. This is a WC juvie, caught him on a field herping expedition in late September (in Canada). I know the pics aren't that great, but I am just using a point-and-shoot digital. Enjoy!

Here is another one of him...

This is where I took these pics...

You would be surprised at how easily this little guy can calm down. He is easier to take out and have a photography session with than any other of my snakes, including corns. These guys have an undeserved reputation, in my opinion. Here is another pic. I have posted this one before, but want to share it again...

On an interestng note, this little guy is so calm when I hold him, but he is totally vicious otherwise. Even when I am pouring water into his bowl, he will strike at the stream over and over. It is so funny to watch! Thanks for looking guys,

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