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Re: Garter vs Ribbon

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Posted by chris_mcmartin on January 27, 2003 at 18:34:54:

In Reply to: Re: Garter vs Ribbon posted by snakeguy88 on January 27, 2003 at 17:08:04:

:to question his opinion though and thinking about a garter or a green snake.

Historically, green snakes have been harder to maintain in captivity. That's not to say some people haven't had success, but I wouldn't say they'd make an ideal "first pet" choice.

:I use a light for my Thamnophis as they seem to like to bask. Heat rocks are a big no-no for any kind of animal.

The heat rocks rule is not absolute--many reptiles (primarily desert dwellers accustomed to the extreme heat) do just fine with them. The "scary stories" are often from people using hot rocks with "incompatible" herps (iguanas, for example). I agree that they're not for all reptiles, and garters would fall into the "more harm than good" category.

I use a simple 60-watt incandescent bulb in a clip-on desk lamp over one end of my snake's tank. He also seems to bask from time to time.


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