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OK how about this...

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Posted by chris_harper2 on May 11, 2003 at 23:11:33:

In Reply to: OK how about this... posted by Krystal19_85 on May 11, 2003 at 19:34:04:

Hi Krystal,

I suggested this in one of my e-mails and you did not like it for some reason. I think you wanted to see the wood or something.

But obviously I think it's a good idea since I suggested it :-)

But don't build a box that you then fit into the cage.

Build and shim the floor and install that first. Next do the back, sides, and top one piece at a time.

The last piece should be the front lip.

I really believe it will be easier this way vs. building a box.

I have heard that the Bean Farm and Cobra UTH's are the same product or at least very similar. Which one you use will be determined by what your ambient room temp. is and how much ventilation you have.

You can always build your cages to accept a larger size of UTH and then put in a smaller one if it's too much.

For what it is worth, I've heard the Boaphile PVC cages can be heated with remarkably little heat tape due to the conductive nature of the PVC.

:OK, Mom has another suggestion. why not make a box out of the expanded PVC that fits perfectly in each cage with a lip on the front, and the rest is open, but the whole top, sides, and back would be PVC! I like it, and then the UTH could still go under it the same way. Any problems with this idea?

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