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OK Thanks! ... np

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Posted by Krystal19_85 on May 12, 2003 at 11:55:30:

In Reply to: OK how about this... posted by chris_harper2 on May 12, 2003 at 10:17:12:


:I don't use UTH's often enough to make a recommendation. You certainly won't need the one that's about the size of a sheet of paper (`8"x11") so maybe leave enough room for the next smaller size.

:If it's too much just use a smaller size.

:But you should probably talk to someone with more expertise than I.

:The 1/8" PVC is kind of hard to make a box from using regular PVC solvent as there not much contact area along the edges. I do not recommend trying to make a one-piece box you can remove later. It would be possible with the 1/4", but that is more than twice as expensive.

:If you build it like I suggested but use silicone to attach it to the floor, walls, etc., it will still be possible to remove it later.

:The front lip might be kind of hard to attach to the walls, but you could put a second strip either on the lip or the walls to double the contact area. Use regular PVC solvent and then silicone the seams and it should hold.

:That would be determined by whether your front lip attaches in front of or between the walls. You would just need two tiny pieces either on the lip or the wall to double your contact area.

:I hope this makes sense.

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