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Speaking of looking at houses with good snake rooms....

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Posted by gofer on April 14, 2003 at 10:43:27:

In Reply to: You know you're in the second phase . .> posted by terryp on April 14, 2003 at 09:31:08:

That is one main thing i looked at too. My basement was very dirty and not very nice at first. I cleaned it up, framed up some new walls, new concrete, paint, and a long time scrubbing, painting and staining the ceiling (it's neat logs with the old wooden flooring showing). I also decided to do some insulating and installed a door to keep the temps from fluctuating a lot. I'll post some pics of before and after, you can see a ton of them on my site. I just found it funny that you mentioned basements and people looking for snake rooms when buying a house. OLD pics

Next house I buy my wife wants a larger yard, for a seperate snake building, LOL. New pics

There are a few more, but i can't seem to locate them, but i know there on my site too.
Have a good one,
Gregg F.

:of addiction when you catch yourself looking at houses in terms of possible snake rooms. LOL. I'm just kidding Billy. I know that's not the priority, but can you see the possibilities? I know 2 people who recently moved who were looking at the basement being converted to a serpenterium when they first saw the house. Basements and laundryrooms seem to be a good room for conversion. How long can we go without clean clothes in order to have a serpenterium? LOL. My hat is off to all our spouses or people you date who put up with the things we do. Good luck


::Tell me about it!!! LOL! My collection grew after getting hooked up on this forum. Russell ( nodaksnakelover ) put some pics up of Meltzer's n.pines. I got in contact with Meltzer and picked up a killer male the following year in Daytona in 2001. Since then, the pits in my collection grew and grew. I now have 13 out of 25. This forum has served its purpose and much more, being able to exchange info and hang " online " with cool pit bros such as yourself.

::We were looking at houses yesterday. If we get one, that may raise the chance up for me to breed pits. Right now, I wouldn't have the room I would desire to do that.

::Take care!



:::I don't know if there's a cure, but you CANNOT look at this forum without the snakes in your collection increasing in quatity. Del Alspaw and I are partners and he keeps the Pits and I keep the Elaphe. It takes alot of self discipline not to committ to several of the snakes I see on this forum. I already think I failed because I will probably be contacting John Cherry soon on his locality yellow Texas Bulls he produces. Good luck

::::They are awsom capes,don't get my hands itching again.All the little ones are doing just great.Keep me updated on the capes,THANKS,JIM






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