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Well, no eggs yet...

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Posted by georgio on May 08, 2003 at 22:53:29:

She almost completely buried herself for 3 hours and then came out of her hole. I figured she had laid so I took her out and gave her a soak and let her drink. When I went to find the eggs I found she did not lay any. So I reconstructed her hole. She basked for a bit and then went back in and has been in there (but this time with her head pointing up out of the hole) for a few hours. My plan is to give her a couple days to see if she is going to lay and if she doesn't take her to the vet for an x-ray to see if she has any eggs. Chris, I read what you said about a male stimulating her and that may be what happened. A little while ago my male Popeye got on top of her and tried to mate but we broke it up...maybe that made her develop eggs? The reason I was thinking of breeding her is because I figured I might as well if she was going to produce eggs anyway. But maybe she won't produce any more infertile clutches this year...I'll wait and see.


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