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Re: Live Vs Prekilled or thawed

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Posted by Bill McLeod on February 03, 2002 at 10:30:52:

In Reply to: Live Vs Prekilled or thawed posted by Johnny on February 03, 2002 at 04:22:58:

: Why is it that so many people rather give their snakes pre-killed or thawed instead of live?? I mean i understand the whole thing about the mouse/rat biting the snake. I personally just hold the mouse in front of the snake and let him grab it...... I dont know if this is a bad thing or not but nothing has happened to my snake and he does it without hesitation.

Actually there are advant./disadv. for all 3 but this is my way of thinking so i could be wrong. feeding live is MORE of a safety issue than it is a feeding issue. here some things about feeding live that might help and some things about f/t/pk also. ok feeding live adv, 1)more sustinance(sp) from the rat, 2)building muscle tone for the snake itself instead of getting fat and lazy(not all snakes are this way but there are exceptions). ok disadv, 1) safety of the snake. 2) possible injury/death to the snake. 3)cost of feeding live. 4)mites,parasites,etc. ok now on to prekilled. Basically the same as live but they are DEAD/twitching. f/t adv. 1) cheaper on your wallet. 2) easier and safer for the snake. 3you have them in ready supply and dont have to worry about running them down at a petstore. now disadv., 1) even though they have been euthanized and frozen there are no guarantees that they are safe. There are some parasites/bacteria that can survive in extremely cold conditions and when you heat them up you bring them out of hybernation. if you feed f/t make sure you get them from a reputable breeder and ask ?s to see if anyone knows them or have dealt with them. also make sure that they are 100% healthy from a sterile environment ,etc. and you shouldnt have no probs. Oh yeah make sure you keep a close eye on your snake while feeding to make sure that the rat doesnt try to bite and if it does then intervene immediately b/c if you can keep the snake from getting bit then you wont have no death,vet,scars,etc. So use your head when feeding live. Bill M.

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