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Re: Arizona alligator lizard

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Posted by Jerry Feldner on September 30, 2001 at 09:27:13:

In Reply to: Arizona alligator lizard posted by Richard on September 26, 2001 at 16:11:00:

Richard, you must realize that E. k. nobilis is an extremely variable lizard. There are significant color differences from one mountain range to the next and even among specimens found quite close to one another. Marty did find a record size kingii. At 138mm SVL, it was 5 mm longer than the previous record. Both specimens are in the Arizona State University collection. While this lizard is found all over the Mogollon Rim, in SE AZ it is found in the "sky island" mountain ranges. It also occurs in mesic habitats into NM as far as the Florida Mtns and down the Sierra Madre Occidental range well south into México. The most similar alligator lizard in the USA is the Panamint which lives in a small area in several ranges of the eastern Sierra in So CA. The only Gerrhonotus living in the USA is the TX Alligator, G. liocephalus infernalis. All the other American spp have been changed back to Genus Elgaria by convention.
They are very easy to take care of and you will probably not need any extra heat or heat lamps as long as their enclosure is at about 70ºF or 22ºC. Give them water as they will drink from a bowl, and crickets, scorpions or any other invert prey. You won't have to do too much cleanup as they usually pick a spot and all the lizards in the enclosure will defecate in that one spot. Good luck.

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