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Re: New to THIS board... a few questions for the CITES holders.

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Posted by Roy Stockwell on February 15, 2003 at 22:57:09:

In Reply to: New to THIS board... a few questions for the CITES holders. posted by PhoenixZorn on February 13, 2003 at 02:43:13:

:1. How much is a standard CITES import permit?
Depends on the country.. You only need an import permit for appendix I animals and I hear the US isn't giving out import permits(for appendix 1 herps)
:2. How long is the permit good for?
It's a proof of legal doesn't expire
:3. Will I have to renew for animals I already own?
Sorry, it doesn't work that way.. The original importer of the founder stock
should have a copy of the CITES from the country of origin
:4. How many animals can be imported for a single permit, unlimited, or is it specific to each permit?
Depends on the the US you can apply to export more than you actually do. In Canada the exact amount must go on the permit
:5. I live in Wisconsin, are there any special laws specific to my state for importing from places like Indonesia, China, or Europe?
Yes, of course, but the CITES must come from the country you're importing from. If it's appendix 1, you'll need a US import permit, nearly impossible to get
:6. If I am interested in an animal native to the United States, but not to Wisconsin, that is protected, will a CITES permit allow me to get that type of animal for private breeding purposes?
No CITES is for internation trade

:Thank you for your time in answering my questions.

CITES permits are for international trade. You require one if you are exporting to another country
or if you are importing and the snake is listed under appendix one.
International trade in appendix one species requires both an import permit from the government of the country wishing to import
and an export permit from the country of origin...
Possesion of the animals doesn't require a permit, although it's a good idea to be able to trace the legal origin of CITES species, most herpers
never bother... but this may cause problems if there is ever a smuggling sting operation or if you ever want to sell offspring to another country.
All boids are a minium of appendix two. Some are appendix one, like Dumerils, Puerto Rican boas, Jamaican boas and Argentines.
You can't export any CITES species without an export permit. If it's appendix one, both you and your recipent need a permit.

There is no renewal for animals you already own. It's a bit late at that point. If they were legally imported into the US,then they would have come with
a CITES permit from the country of origin.. Most wholesalers keep these, and they don't generally go to Joe public unless people are vigilant about asking for them.
Some stuff has been circulating for so long the trail to origin is cold.
The US government will not provide export permits for animals where NO known legal import has occured..
Such is the case with Australian boids and monitors...It's next to impossible to export those..They will want to know, how they got to the US to start with. Australia doesnt
export, or at least hasn't in many years!

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