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Re: Importation of Dart frogs into Canada

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Posted by Roy Stockwell on December 14, 2002 at 00:44:41:

In Reply to: Importation of Dart frogs into Canada posted by Vertabreaker666 on December 08, 2002 at 02:08:30:

The American vendor/shipper should apply for the appendix 2 export permit.
They may be required to prove legal origin of their founder stock in order to be granted an export permit.
The process lead time of getting CB CITES depends on the Species, but generally is 6 to 12 weeks.
The shipper will have to get a USF&W import/export license. It costs 50US and is good for one year.It must be applied for in advance.
The shipment must also be inspected at a designated port at the time of export..The inspection is $55 for non CITES but is usually
90 for CITES..
At the time of the inspection, the CITES will be validated(signed and stamped) and also a declaration of import/export, called a 3-177 will be
After all these steps, the shipment can legally leave the US.
Receiving them at a Canadian airport will pose no problems, providing the validated CITES and 3-177 accompany the shipment and don't fall off the box.
You will have to pay GST and PST on the declared value.

Here's link to my info page

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