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Confusion about CITES

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Posted by Nebuchadnezza on August 28, 2002 at 22:03:45:

If i captive bred an appendix 1 animal and sold it's offspring in the same country as it was bred would that be legal or illegal?

For example:

If i got a pair of true tomato frogs (Dyscophus antongilii) listed in appendix 1, and bred them in the united states, and then sold them there (within the same state).
Would that be legal?
Or is it just to do with exporting and importing the animals from country to country?
and not neccessarily owning them.
Reason being i have seen a number of shops advertisng Dyscophus antongilii for sale and wondered if that is legal or not?

If it is legal, i am assuming that the selling or captive bred appendix 1 animals is fine within the country/state they were born in.
Or do you need permits to sell appendix 1?

Just curious.

Please help me.


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