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Call EPA!!!!!

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Posted by vidusa on April 29, 2003 at 11:43:11:

In Reply to: Glow in the dark? posted by eublepharis on April 24, 2003 at 22:58:21:

Call the Environmental Protection Agency. Turtles are not known to glow, and this could only happen if the pool of water is somehow contaminated with nuclear of some type of chemical that glows. This could be a serious health hazard for your community.

Also, make sure you do not bath in that water. Especially, if your a theif or a poacher. Because it will make you shine even in the darkest places and the game wardens will get ya. You know, game wardens track these postings and they me be looking in at you as a suspect. In fact, I may be one.

:There have been sighting of glow in the dark turtles. Seemingly box turtles in a specific pond in my area. My boyfriend even saw one of them himself and a certain psychotic girl kept one and surely by now it is dead. But we have been looking for the name of such a turtle if it is even believe to exist. Is this some rare thing? There are many that glow in the dark in this pond. Is it some new strain? Or....RADIATED TORTOISES! :P Seriously, this isn't any sort of joke. I kept telling him 'these don't exist?' as I myself have never heard of something like this. What could these critters be?

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