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I thought it was a Uromastyx but I'm starting to have doubts

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Posted by Aozgolo on January 10, 2003 at 06:39:29:

I got this lizard two months ago at a reptile expo in town. He looked very sickly but he was cheap so I bought him and have since brought him back from the brink of death.

Anyway When I got him the lady who obviously knew nothing about reptile care told me it was a "Desert Spiny Uromastyx" which I later discovered did not exist.

Anyway I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this. Here's a basic description of what I have:

-Dark Brown coloration with very dark almost black streaks like zig-zags going from one side of him to the other.
-About 8 inches long
-its nose sticks out past its eyes about 3/4 of an inch unlike any Uros I have seen.
-It has five toes on all limbs
-Its belly is a very light tan color all over
-It likes to hide most of the time

Thats the best description I can give it. Are there any other lizards other than Uromastyx that have spiky tails?

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