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Re: Not sure what it is now..

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Posted by zz on January 08, 2003 at 07:59:27:

In Reply to: Re: Not sure what it is now.. posted by 59herps on January 07, 2003 at 21:38:47:

I have never seen Piglet out of the dirt... I do have 2 hide boxes and have put him in them...he just burrows. However, the pet store said they would feed him only when he was out and about. I try to feed him every other day or so.

:I have seen one of those before but I am not sure where. Either way your origional setup worked well and I doubt it burrows all day like A. pulchra, I suggest getting it a few hid boxes.
: Devlin

:::It has the colors of an A. pulchra but its head is completely different and the amount of the body covered in olive green is so little compared to A. pulchra. This seems to be some kind of asian Ophisaurus species to me but i am not certain. It looks like a young Ophosaurus formosensis to me. How thick is your animal? CA worm lizards are only as thin as a pencil at most. I will see what I can find but I am really unsure of what you own.
::: Devlin



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