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Its been identified as an Anniella pulchra. np

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Posted by 59herps on December 31, 2002 at 16:07:44:

In Reply to: Re: HELPPPPP! I think I have a legless skink????? posted by reptilekeeper3 on December 31, 2002 at 15:57:49:

::I purchased a "legless skink" at my local pet store. (I was in the market for a new lizard...I explained the set up I had and she helped my find a suitable species). She gave me a care guide on it (which later turned out to be a care sheet for a glass lizzard....this is NOT a glass lizard), and told me how they have cared for it for the last 4 months. (he seemed very healthy). Well now that I am home I am not sure what he is....I can't find out anything about legless skinks (like their care, where they come from, or even a picture to possitivly id this critter)
::About 7" long
::Color: Olive green dorsally, Yellow ventrally.
::Description: NO limbs, however, a vestigial girdle can be felt. Short tail, bulky body... very small eyes (with eyelids), no visible ear hole, although a slight indent is seen. His head is a very light shade of yellow.

::Behavior: He eats mealworms (the people from the pet store fed him small crickets and dog food--from a spoon). He burrows but is curious and somewhat active.

::MY current set up:
::20 gallon long (with screen top and flourecent light set up)
::Undertank heater on 1/2 (temp around 80)
::about 4" Jungle mix (like a moist potting soil)
::misting bottle (they told me that they mist him 2 daily)

::He seems happy (he has eaten and explored both the cool side and the hot side). I am confused. I dont think the pet store did anything wrong on purpose...they have always been knowledgable in the past...I think this one has just slipped their radar. :-)
:a legless lizard is the same thing as a glass lizard. that is just another name for them.

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