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Re: Similar to a five lined skink?

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Posted by LisaOKC on December 14, 2002 at 14:43:46:

In Reply to: Re: Similar to a five lined skink? posted by snakeguy88 on December 11, 2002 at 16:54:36:

Well, we certainly might consider a different kind for the class, but the one we have at home has been doing well and I wouldn't want to release him in December. I has "has been" because he still appears well, but the crickets aren't disapearing like they were earlier, which is why I asked about the heat pad, light requirements, etc. Could a skink in a house that averages temps between 65 and 75 degrees go into a brumating mode or anything like that, where their appetite declines in the fall and winter, but they are at risk for starvation because their metabolism hasn't slowed down? I think I asked over the summer if they needed UV light and I didn't really get a clear answer. I'm just a little worried about him because earlier in the fall the crickets would disappear and I would see a cricket leg in the tank, and I actually saw him catch a couple. But I'm not seeing them disappear lately and removed a couple of dead uneaten crickets yesterday. He seems to come out and sit on his branch every afteroon, then he buries himself later in the afternoon. Regarding the ones you have, how much would it cost to ship, approximately?


:If I were you, I would go with a different lizard. WC lizards stress easily and sometimes do not adjust as well. I would suggest the purchase of a leopard gecko if at all possible. If that is not an option and you can figure out a way, I have 2 of them that are fat and healthy that I would be happy to donate for free. If not, try glades herp or ask them if they could get one at They tend to get lots of WC native animals. Andy

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