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Re: What lizard IS it? Petshop problems...

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Posted by blacklightning42 on September 21, 2002 at 15:56:11:

In Reply to: Re: What lizard IS it? Petshop problems... posted by Particle Man on September 20, 2002 at 19:14:01:

:if they cared as much as you say they do about their animals, they wouldnt have mixed species (put something that they dont even know what it is in w/ their leopards), and more than likely wouldnt have ordered an unidentifiable lizard.

Like I said, the supplier sent it in at random and gave them a bill. Either that, or the owner ordered it - he's well-meaning, but clueless about reptiles. I've been told that it's the former. Their reptile person doesn't know what it is, or where/why it came from, and they didn't have space for a random species that was sent in by mistake. I just feel the need to defend them, because of all the petshops I've been in - a good many - they care more about their reptiles than any other. Even more so, because their buisness is out in the middle of no where, and their competition is mostly over an hour's drive away. They don't have to care at all - but they still have best standards and costomer service within a three hour radius. If I knew that they wouldn't try to adapt to an animal, I wouldn't be looking up information for them.

I hope I'm not causing a problem by doing this.

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