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What kind of monitor could this be?

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Posted by michi on September 20, 2002 at 19:45:56:

Posting for my brother. He works in a pet store and a lady brought in a monitor that somehow ended up in a shipment of granite she received. The granite came from Asia and Africa. The monitor is very small about 4 inches from it's head to the base of it's tail. It has the typical yellow speckles on it underside of a baby monitor. It has vivid green speckles on its back from the bottom of it's neck to the base of it's it and at a distance it looks like the back is actually all green. I have no pic yet but will in a few days. Was hoping someone might be able to give some idea as to what type it possibly could be. Had a few people who are fairly knowledgable about reptiles come and have a look but no one has any idea what it is. My brother seems to think it could be a croc monitor and from what we could find in pics online it's the closest thing to what this little fella could be. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thnx

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