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need help with ID

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Posted by flanny on September 20, 2002 at 03:36:09:

i need help
i bought a lizard from the pet store. they called it a "forest runner". it looks very similar to a leopard lizard, but more colorful, or a collared lizard (but no distinct collar). maybe some type of hybrid?

here are the specs:

- 6" snout to vent
- 6" tail (looks like some of it has regrown
- tiny cyclic scales all over (including belly and face)
- greeny-brown spots running down center of back
- red-orange and black tiger stripe pattern on sides
- bright yellow under jaw fading to white throat and belly
- front legs green camo spots, 5 toes
- back legs red with lighter spots, 5 toes - 4th is longest
- top of head is drab green, side of face (under eye) green and yellow camo
- round pupils
- large, meaty tongue (not forked)
- horizontal skin fold on either side of the (from front to back leg)
- very fast

i have tried to figure out what he is, but i'm stumped. he eats crickets and broccoli, but the only fruit he seems to like is peaches (but not nectarines - go figure). his colors have become way more vivid since i got him home. he is alert and friendly and has a good appetite, but still a bit skittish (but then, i've only had him a couple of days.

he seems to prefer the hot(90 degree), arid side of his tank to the cooler(80), humid side, though he likes chasing crickets through the plants

please help me figure out what he(?) is

(p.s. - bought him in a pet store in vancouver for $50can ($30US))

check out the link for more photos

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