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Re: The stowaway - picture link

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Posted by caliber on August 29, 2002 at 07:47:41:

In Reply to: The stowaway - green or brown anole? posted by caliber on August 29, 2002 at 07:23:37:

:I have been doing a little reading on the anoles in the past 2 days. How can I tell if my little lizard is a green or brown anole? I think she is a girl because of the dorsal stripe and I can not see any dewlap. But, maybe this is because the lizard is so young? She is only an inch (1.5 if the tail was whole) long. Now that she is warmer & fed, her colors and markings are getting darker. She is brown all over now. I think when she was greenish brown, she was just pale? The star pattern on her eyes & head is much more visible as well as the markings on her legs. It sounds like a brown to me from the colors, but I can't find any dewlap and also she is so small. Is there anything else I can look for? Any clues as to her age?

I finally found a picture that looks just like our baby lizard. The website says this little lizard is a Bahaman brown anole. That confuses me a little. I thought there were brown anoles & Bahaman anoles. Are they the same thing? Latisha

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