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weird lizard i had bought at petco..

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Posted by blud63 on August 21, 2002 at 09:01:30:

Hey all. A few years ago my brother had purchased a lizard from petco, and gave it to me soon after because he didnt know how to care for animals like that *i've been into it since i was a little child* i had the lizard for along time, never knowing what it was called, and never being able to find a picture of reference to it ANYWHERE on the net, and i've even read this entire forum hoping someone else might have had the same kind of lizard. Im going to describe the lizard to the best of my ability, as he passed away and i cant take a picture :).

He was long and skinny, i'd say about 4 inch body length and a 3 inch tail length. His nose was sharp pointed not rounded. He had blue and white and black on his belly, like snake scales. Ontop of him he was brownish purple with yellow polka-dots all over his back. i believe he had 4 toes on each paw, and on the back ones one two on each foot came out extra long , The rest of his body that wasnt colored with the dots or snake scales was a light greyish color. He was a very colorful and sleek lizard, i wish i had just known at the time WHAT he was, and WHAT proper care he needed. I've gone back to many petstores and many petco's looking for another one of these lizards for sale so that i might be able to find out what it is, or perhaps get another one as i loved Giovanni very much :). If anyone could give me any information it'd be greatly appreciated, or a link to a picture or just a picture that i might be able to figure out from. Thanks very much in advance.

Charlie Ashley

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