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That would be nice...

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Posted by AmericanJesus on August 12, 2002 at 23:33:50:

In Reply to: A picture is definately needed. np posted by 59herps on August 10, 2002 at 17:42:43:

::Herp adobtion...I am "inheriting" a lizard - long story so I won't go into it...I have not seen it yet, the girl who has it took it to a local shop and it was id'd as, and I quote, "a AUGsomething dragon iguana". The shop told her they sell for about $800 as babies, will be about 2'long and is eating fruits and veggies. She says it is a little aggresive. She was told it was in the Iguana family. I have looked at every book I have and see nothing that resembles this name. She said not a Beardie, not a W. Dragon and is "brownish green". My wife and I are guessing Mtn Horned Lizard??? Based on her discription.
::Any idea's? Not much of a lizard guy so my resources are limited...Thanks...MJS


Yes, a pic would be nice...I will keep you informed when it's available...I'm going to put my money on a CWD. As far as the $800, I'm betting the person who told her doesn't know either...Thanks for your time...MJS

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