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My "Neon Green"

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Posted by SnakeSong on August 06, 2002 at 22:52:12:

Hello, I bought a lizard that the store owner called a "neon green". The lizards happy and everything, but I dont know what he is. He eats crickets and leaves and lizes to take dips in his water hole. He is about three inches without the tail, and ten inches with it. He is Ususally a brownish colour with two light green stripes on his back and a black head with yallow spots. But when I hold him he turns dark green with neon green stripes. The base of his tail is a rusty colour and the rest is banded light and dark brown/black. His head is a triangle shape. The sides of his head have spikey scales, but not to the extent of a bearded dragon. He also has those spikes down his back. I looked at all the pics of lizards I can find and i havn't seen any like him. Can anyone help me out? I havnt been able to find any books, sites or magazines about herps that say anything about neon green.


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