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Re: Getting ready for some new Squams...

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Posted by squamiger on April 16, 2003 at 22:45:13:

In Reply to: Getting ready for some new Squams... posted by lizard queen on April 12, 2003 at 23:07:23:

Hi Kelly

First of all, be aware that WC Atheris can carry some nasty viruses and you must quarantine them for 6 months to be sure that they do not infect the rest of your collection (if you have other vipers). Then remember that these are animals are used to small niches of dense brush and they actually prefer smaller cages with lots of cover. You can move them to more open display cages once they are settled in and are feeding well. I would follow these same procedures even if your animals are CB. I would keep them all in separate containers until you get to know them and see if any are ready to breed. House them together only when you are trying to breed them. Do not treat them as if they are rainforest creatures. Email me if you have any problems. Best of luck.


:Hi everyone,
:I am preparing for the arrival of my first pair of Atheris squamiger (although I do have previous venemous experience, and have kept eyelash vipers and rattlesnakes). I have been researching and looking into these guys for a couple years now, and finally the time has come to get some :)
:I am aware of the basic care of these guys, and of venemous snake keeping in general. But for those of you with experience with this species, are there any extra little helpful tips, tricks, or advice in dealing with squams in particular?
:Thanks in advance,

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