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Re: venomoid Gaboon vipers

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Posted by GaboonKeeper on March 04, 2003 at 20:46:12:

In Reply to: venomoid Gaboon vipers posted by fredstrong on March 04, 2003 at 19:24:54:

You have to be kidding...... Why would you want a venomoid??? Are you afraid to get bitten??? Do you wanna look cool infront of your friends by handling a dangerous snake??? If you want a snake you can play with go out and buy a corn snake.... If you are not ready for a truely hot snake then you dont get one period..... Why rip apart a snakes face??? When are you people going understand that the big majority of hot keeper do not like the idea of venomiods and will not give you any info on how to get one..... Oh and by the way, did you know that these operations are no 100% and the snake you thought was a venomoid is still hot??? Or what about the fact that these snakes use the venom to help digest its prey...... You could be shortening the snkes life by doing something like that..... Go buy a garter and stay out of here..... You have no place in our hobby.....

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