Posted by jr on September 02, 2000 at 22:22:56:
Surely I am not the only VHS member to contact Penny Heartwell at and confirm I will be attending the TXPW "Amphibian Workshop" Sept.16 at U.T.B.?
Last Spring, a lot of VHS members signed up for this Special Amphibian Workshop. That is why Penny Heartwell (sacrificed a lot of her time and energy this past summer) coordinating the event to make it possible. We "VHS" asked for it because we felt Amphibians were important. I hope most of us still do.
Personally, I can't see why any "true herper" wouldn't want to attend.
We will learn more about amphibians from many experts. Some are making a long distance trip to be with us. We are also invited to attend the evening tour of Sabal Palm Grove aand do a whole lot more.
For more information on the Amphibian Workshop, see the postings below. All proceeds will go to cover the costs of the workshop, materials, and travel expenses of the guest speakers.
If you are planning on attending the Amphibian Workshop, please submit a follow-up here on the forum and let us know. The public is welcome to also register and attend. Tell your teachers. Tell your schools. Tell your friends. It's the right thing to do.
Joe Rigdon