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VHS End-of-Year Party and Election Results.

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Posted by jr on December 10, 2000 at 20:07:36:

Well, we had our VHS End-of-Year Party today and a good time was had by all. Those attending included the Eastep Family (Will, Lynn, Jordan & Harrison), Al & Julie Parra, Dorothy Earley, and myself. The weather was perfect for a picnic as Jim Campbell from the National Weather Service in Brownsville had advised.

For food we had: ham & turkey sandwiches, green beans, potato salad, cookies, brownies, chips, and some Pico De Gallo (it was really amazingly different + really addictive) that Al created. We were sorry the rest of you didn't make it. Hopefully we can all make it another time.

Election Results are as follows:
President: We don't have one for 2000 but that seems to be trendy these days.
Vice President: Kymm Kruger, new blood, will also serve as Pres. and we will help her. (Brownsville)
Secretary: Lynn Eastep, new blood, (Rio Hondo)
Editor: Vacant, We have this wonderful forum so everyone can write and help out.
Treasurer: Dorothy Earley, Very Experienced, 3rd year,(Rio Hondo)
4 Members-at-Large are:
Al Parra, Experienced, 2nd year, (Harlingen)
Julie Parra, New Blood, 2nd year supporter (Harlingen)
Will Eastep, New Blood, (Rio Hondo)
Joe Rigdon, VHS Old Timer, (Harlingen)

We will hold a Board meeting for the Newly Elected Officers in January after the Holidays. We were thinking of dinner somewhere. If any of you are interested in joining us, let us know.

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