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Well, I'm no pro, but...(more)

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Posted by jcostell on May 11, 2003 at 22:52:59:

In Reply to: I need a couple more opinions posted by AJD on May 11, 2003 at 16:55:41:

Since you seem so interested in eyelashes, I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in. I actually only own one "seriously" hot snake, and it happens to be an eyelash viper. All in all, I really love it. Here's a quick and dirty list of pros and cons for the snake, just my opinion.

1. Small size. Easily handelable and hookable.
2. Absolutely beautiful. My golden eyelash is one of the coolest looking snakes I have ever seen.
3. They don't require much special care. Just as long as temps are in the mid to upper 70's and you mist occasionally and always provide a water dish (preferrably elevated), an eyelash should thrive.

1. Feeding. Some eyelashes can be picky in the beginning, and you'll probably need to cut up a pinky into chunks if you get a really young one. The solution is simple, though. Buy an eyelash from someone who knows what they're doing. Mine came well-started with complete feed/shed records from birth!
2. They're pretty hot! Obviously, I've not been bitten, but I've heard that the venom is nothing to laugh at, and has definite hemotoxic components. As with all dangerous animals, security and safety must be maintained at all times.
3. Price. They're a bit pricey, but if you look around, you can find one at a decent price, just beware of people trying to pawn off snakes really cheaply that may not be feeding yet. I'd be really wary if someone approached me with one for much less than USD $100.00, and plenty of breeders get more than $200.00 for well-started juveniles.

So, there you go. I hope this helps, and good luck with whatever you end up with!

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