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Way to Skittish..

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Posted by MidnightFalcon on May 12, 2003 at 13:30:26:

Well, with the suggestion of putting my uros outside for awhile so they could get U.V.B. (I take 'em out anyway.. it's kind of the same as people feeding their uros or whatever reptile the veggies that come in a can.. I don't wanna give 'em U.V.B. from a tube) without the light inside, but instead a heat pad.. it didn't seem to work all that good. My female.. as soon as I put her down freaks out.. completely. She starts running around and smacking her tail around aimlessly.. looks like she hit herself a few times. Well, anyway.. I had a few places for them to hide and their food in there. I'm really not sure if it'll work, but I'll try a few new things.

I'mma try to keep you guys updated, and any suggestions would be appreciated.

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