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Digging, Digging, Digging

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Posted by gabered on May 10, 2003 at 09:00:34:


I have two Mali Uros, a male and a female, that are a few years old. Yesterday and today my female is constantly digging in the sand. I have them in a 55 gal. aquarium with playsand and large rocks. In the hot end basking area the temp is about 110 and it cools off on the cool side to about 75 - 80. At night a little cooler. They are eating well and no other weird behavoir. Could it possible the female is gravid? And if so how can I tell? I was thinking about putting up a hide box with a little moister potting soil etc for her to dig in. If nothing at all it will be a place for her to dig to her hearts content? Please give some advice, she's digging under heavy rocks and I'm afraid she my dislodge some of the rocks above her.


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