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Posted by pgross8245 on May 10, 2003 at 07:11:31:

In Reply to: Parasites posted by Solomon on May 10, 2003 at 02:42:52:

Many who import the wc uros routinely worm them with Panacur. You can get this at a farm store by the horse wormers and it is called Safeguard. The dose is minute, but takes care of the parasites if they have them. It is a gentle wormer compared to Flagyl and others. A small parasite load is fine for healthy uros, it just becomes a problem if the animal is debilatated and the parasite load grows too large. When I get imports I look at their overall condition and if they are nice and fat, feisty and eating well I will worm them. I take a follow up sample to the vet about 6 weeks later and have always had clean fecals. If your animal is thin, dehyrated or lethargic or just refusing all food for any length of time, don't use anything, consult a vet right away.


:Just curious on how worried I should be about wild caught Nigerian Uro's having parasites. If they do have parasites, is there anything I can purchase and or try before consulting a vet?

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