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Heat Question.. Thanks!

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Posted by MidnightFalcon on May 09, 2003 at 12:02:57:

In Reply to: Heat Question.. posted by dannyg on May 08, 2003 at 19:54:45:

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I do check the tanks to see if they're dry more than four times a day, I'm currently using aspin, but I'll soon be moving to birdseed. I have a fan in the room, but I think I'll move them into my room instead. I have a big cage outside my window in the backyard, right outside my window where my bed is. I have been thinking, that since I'll be in my room most of the summer that I could put him on top of the cage so he could get UV, but only for about half the day because remember, it's more humid outside in the summer than it is inside (100%). Maybe half the day outside early morning around 8:00 then inside by 1:30? Then do you think light could be replaced by a heat lamp?

Now, if this will work.. my concern is making them feel comfortable in the outside cage. I know they absolutely hate it outside when they're on the ground, but what about in the higher up. There's a lot of different things to work out, but I'll give it a try.

By the way, whoever asked me where I live.. Pinellas Park. It hit 93 yesterday, and I know you've been hit by it too. But.. a temporary 'cool' front should be coming.

:The problem with replaceing the lamp with a heat pad is that your uro will not get any UV lighting. Without UV - their bodies cannot breakdown calcium and vitamin D3 - could lead to Metabolic Bone Disease. Most heating pads (all of the T-Rex pads) are preset to maintain 100 degrees - still not enough for your uro.

:Have you thought about making an outdoor cage for him during the day? The natural sunlight would be great for him. Just make sure that you do not use a glass enclosure - sun through glass will cause severe burns. Also make sure that half of the cage is in shade and you provide him a cave to hide in.

:Jim asked you about the humidity - if your house stays around 90 degrees - that means that your humidity has to be around 70-85% - this is not good. High humidity could cause tail rot. If this is the case you will need to mount a fan on top of the enclosure to suck the heat away from the inside of the tank. This will help to lower the humidity - but not much.

:What kind of substrate are you using? Sand,lizard litter, etc., can retain moisture and cause the humidty to rise. I suggest that you remove all of the substrate and only use newspapers. Newspaper does not retain moisture and if it gets wet from feedings - it will dry quickly.

:You got a tough task ahead of you - let us know how you make out!


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