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Update on my sick uro

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Posted by Cher123 on May 09, 2003 at 11:27:57:

In Reply to: Update on my sick uro posted by Ren21bo on May 08, 2003 at 20:06:43:

Sorry to hear about Clark. I hope everything goes well on Monday. My uro, Wilson, is having a problem. He won't eat even his dandelions. We have a vet appointment on Monday. Take care, and we'll be thinking about you.

:Well..I must say, that Clark sure doesn't give up easily! I guess he learned early after being starved to death by a pet store, how to survive! Unfortunately, he's still very sick. He hasn't pooped or eaten on his own for 2 weeks. I have been feeding him myself with baby foods keeping his strength and weight up and hydrated.

:I am now in the $300 range of vet bills and after being there today, it seems that whatever is blocking him is not moving. So now I have set up a surgery date for Monday. Seems to be the only thing left to help him out. Thankfully he is still very alert, perky, and good weight.

:Keep your prayers up for my little guy please! This is VERY risky doing surgery on a reptile!


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