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looking into getting a uro....question...

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Posted by nikkichele on May 09, 2003 at 09:02:33:

I have been reading these forums for a few months(my son is getting a bearded dragon) and just started posting recently. I must say that he has revived my love of reptiles that I had as a child. My mom is very anti pet anything(i did manage to have a dog,cat, and hamster...lots of begging on the hamster part)Anyway, while perusing the photo album I saw a picture of Boulder and fell in love. Since then it has been research, research, research. Since I have never owned a reptile, I am going to wait a while and take care of the bearded dragon first.(my son is almost five and not quite capable of taking care of it alone).
My question is, which uro would be the best for a first time uro owner? I realize some people say that they do not make good beginner reptiles, which is why it will be several months after the beardie so I can get a little experience. Housing, food, supplements, diet will not be a problem. I was just wondering because I do have small children, and my son will no doubt want to hold it the same as his beardie. Any advice or input would be appreciated.

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