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Scale problem, some help, please!?

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Posted by Laci on May 06, 2003 at 22:08:00:

My husband and I have a Mali Uro, we bought him from Petsmart about 3 months ago. We only bought him because he was so cute, and I'm sure he would have died if we hadn't bought him. They had no heat on him, and he was only being fed iceberg lettuce and crickets. Anyway, after we warmed him up, and put some UVB on him, he turned into an eating machine (especially if it is anything yellow!). He has seemed fine. He was in shed when we got him, and it seemed to take a long time. He just finally finished shedding about a month ago. Well, about two weeks ago, we noticed a white patch on the side of his neck. It looked like a couple of his scales had fallen off. Now he has about four spots on various areas of his body that are losing their scales like that, and they are all white underneath. Does anyone know what this is? What do I do about it? Will he be ok? He is such a sweetie, I hate for anything bad to happen to him. Any input would be great.

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