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help me please?

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Posted by pgross8245 on May 06, 2003 at 11:31:25:

In Reply to: help me please? posted by TheNakedCowboy1 on May 05, 2003 at 21:30:50:

I commend you for trying to be well prepared. Questions are the best if you can't find what you are looking for. As far as the uromastyx go, probably the best fit in terms of color and size requirements as well as being able to keep a trio 1.2 would be the Saharans. They come in both yellow and orange (or red as it is sometimes called. They are a reasonably priced species. WORD OF WARNING! Do not buy wild caught fresh imports even though the price seems attractive. This can cause you a world of heartache. Buy from someone who keeps these imports and has them acclimated before they are sold. If you get them and they are sick, they can crash in a heartbeat. There are a few other species which are easier to keep in trios, but the price for a trio of these would be prohibitive. They would be the ornates and sudanese. Good luck with whatever you decide. (as far as a first time reptile owner, the leopard geckos are the easiest)


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