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Posted by blackjesus on May 02, 2003 at 13:09:28:

In Reply to: another posted by georgio on May 02, 2003 at 12:08:02:

they told me that he was a male when i got him at about one year old. i'd say that he is about a foot long maybe a little longer. not exactly sure how much he weighs at this point. he dosn't like to be picked up at all. he will try to get away and swing his tail. once you are holding him for a while he is ok. but if you let him go he is going to run. the girl that sold him to me is the only person that he let grab him without a fight.

:Looks like a healthy boy! (He is a boy right?) How big is he at 3 years? Did you have him since he was a baby? Does he like to be handled? I'm trying to get an idea of how Nebu will turn out.


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