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Boulder's cage gets a remodel

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Posted by pgross8245 on May 02, 2003 at 12:21:30:

In Reply to: Boulder's cage gets a remodel posted by georgio on May 02, 2003 at 12:03:33:

Wow, nice cage for Boulder. I am always tickled to see your pictures. It is as it was meant to be, destiny that you and Boulder would be together. He was one lucky fella and seems to be paying you back with his tremendous personality and joi de vive!


:Boulder is moving up in the world. He can now safely bask under heat lamps and no longer needs his silvadene treatment so I remodelled his cage. I put in 100lbs of sand and built him a rock hide (he had to use a cardboard box to make sure he did not scrape his back). Here are some pictures: (the cage is 5' by 3')

:Here are the two sleepy ones who did not want to get up at 8AM and remodel the cage:

:Side View:

:Here's a picture of his hide. I made it with brick and slate.

:Top View:


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